/* Fade-In Page script �2008 John Davenport Scheuer As first seen in http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/ username:jscheuer1 - This credit must remain for legal use. */ fadeInPage.speed=10; //Set speed of transition for non-IE, lower numbers are faster, 20 is the minimum safe value fadeInPage.bg='#000'; //Set backgroud style (color or color and image) of transition division for non-IE, should match page background or the predominant color of the page ///////////////// Stop Editing ///////////////// function fadeInPage(){ var el=document.getElementById("fadeDiv"); el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] = el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] == ''? 1 : el.style[fadeInPage.prprt]; if (el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] > 0){ el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] = el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] - 0.05; setTimeout("fadeInPage()", fadeInPage.speed); } else { el.style[fadeInPage.prprt] = 0; if(document.removeChild) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } } if(document.documentElement&&document.documentElement.style){ fadeInPage.d=document.documentElement, fadeInPage.t=function(o){return typeof fadeInPage.d.style[o]=='string'}; fadeInPage.prprt=fadeInPage.t('opacity')? 'opacity' : fadeInPage.t('MozOpacity')? 'MozOpacity' : fadeInPage.t('KhtmlOpacity')? 'KhtmlOpacity' : null; } fadeInPage.set=function(){ var prop=fadeInPage.prprt=='opacity'? 'opacity' : fadeInPage.prprt=='MozOpacity'? '-moz-opacity' : '-khtml-opacity'; document.write('\n